eBIB: access to UPC digital library

Login to acces to the resources of the UPCdigital library


  • It is not necessary to activate UPCLink in order to access the resources of the Digital Library
  • Due to intensive use, the response time of some resources may be longer than usual.
  • It is recommended to clear the cache and cookies of your browser in case of problems with certain resources

Important: Terms of use

The journals, books and databases of the UPC Digital Library are subject to the publishers' use clauses. Only non-profit private uses are allowed, and for purposes of study, teaching and research.

Therefore, it is not allowed:
  1. To give the username and password to a third party, either a member of the university community or external to the UPC.
  2. To make massive downloads of articles from the Digital Library through robots or other similar systems.
  3. To make copies with commercial use of the documentation of the Digital Library of the UPC.
  4. To carry out any use not allowed in the licensing of use of the contracted products (distribution through digital platforms, etc.).
If you detect any suspected phishing (impersonation of digital identity), we recommend you change the password.

Users who do not comply with the conditions of use of the resources, will have to compensate economically the damages caused if they are demanded by suppliers or editors of the corresponding resources.